Successful Berklee Alumni #5: Omid Majdi

Omid Majdi

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Listen to the interview (approx. 50 min.) or download it.


Graduated in 2010 with a major in Music Production & Engineering.  Principal Instrument:  Guitar.

Position:  Senior Product Manager at DogVacay.  He manages, designs, and maintains the website and other apps of this online business, “AirB&B for dogs.”

Overview:  Looking for “any job” after graduation, Omid used craigslist to get a job that started his career after a few months.  Omid worked as a project manager at a startup company that developed apps, coordinating the work of mostly-overseas programmers.  The pay wasn’t great, but he learned a lot, and was able to use LinkedIn to get his next job–similar work at a larger company, with professional-level pay.  After a year, he asked to transition from project management to product management (designing the products themselves.)  Two years later his current company hired him as a product manager, and recently promoted him to senior product manager.


You can see his LinkedIn profile here.

Choice Quotes:  “(Someone making a hiring decision) looking at a particular degree or school on a resume really cares about the fact that the person was able to complete the journey–see it through and show that level of commitment to get that degree.  If the person studied something related to the job, bonus (but not expected).”

“You never know what sort of opportunities are going to arise.  Keep an optimistic outlook and be ready to seize those opportunities.”




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Omid in his Berklee days, playing with his band.  Omid has a studio in his garage and continues to produce music on the side.  You can see samples of his work on Omid’s personal webpage.





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Omid with his wife in 2015, attending a wedding on what looks like a perfect day.












See the full index of successful Berklee alumni.